A Bad Case of Stripes, by David Shannon, is the story of young Camilla Cream, a closeted lover of lima beans and a worrier about others’ opinions of her. On the first day of school, Camilla wakes up to find herself completely covered in rainbow stripes! If the stripes were not bad enough, Camilla’s skin develops everything people suggest she has – someone says ‘checkerboards,’ another says ‘bacteria,’ and she breaks out in checkerboard pattern and bacteria tails. When the Doctor, Specialists, Experts, and many others cannot figure out what’s causing the stripes, a little old woman appears with what just might be the cure. I love how this story focuses so much on the importance of being yourself and being comfortable with who you are. I would use this story in a K-2nd grade classroom to explain to the class how important it is to be yourself and stay true to yourself in a world that is constantly trying to mold you into something else. When kids get a sense of their true identity at a younger age they are more likely to stay true themselves and there beliefs at a younger age. This story shows that just because somebody else has something that seems good that doesn't necessarily mean it will be good for you.