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Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids - Carol McCloud

This story is a modern take on the very common proverb "treat others as you want to be treated". The story goes on to explain that every time you do something good for somebody else you are filling a bucket. When you do something wrong or are mean to others you are dipping out of a bucket. Since you want others to fill your bucket it is your job to fill the buckets of those around you. I LOVE this book and think it is appropriate in any K-6 classroom. I would read this book on the first day of school with my class, have a create your own bucket building station, and base our classroom rules around it. At the end of the year after the students have had plenty of time to truly understand how the bucket filling vs. bucket dipping system works I would let my class have a bucket filling party where they would create there own book on how to be a bucket filler. This book preaches the importance of kindness which is something every student can benefit from and improve on.